Not to be left out of the crowd, MSI was among several laptop vendors to unveil its next generation of laptops at the show. Leading the charge for MSI is the company's 17-inch gaming laptop, the GE76 Raider. Replacing 2020's GE75 Raider, the GE76 has been refreshed with NVIDIA's latest GeForce RTX 30 series graphics adapters, which are paired with Intel's Comet Lake (10th Gen) Core processors. MSI also announced the GE76 Raider Dragon Edition Tiamat, a version of the laptop with a unique Babylonian-inspired chassis.

The new MSI GE76 Raider (and Dragon Edition Tiamat) allow users to select among NVIDIA's latest GeForce RTX 3080, 3070, or 3060 laptop graphics adapters, which NVIDIA also unveiled at CES 2021. Across the family there are three different 17.3-inch displays to select from: a 60 Hz 2160p display, 300 Hz 1080p display, or a 240Hz 1080p display, all of which are "IPS-Level" panels and offer thin, 5mm bezels, according to MSI.

The MSI GE76 Raider Dragon Edition Tiamat

Under the hood of the GE76 Raider is an Intel Comet Lake processor, with the highest-end configurations using the unlocked octo-core Core i9-10980HK. The laptops with support for up to 64 GB of DDR4-3200 memory and include space for two NVMe M.2 SSDs. It uses a per-key RGB LED keyboard designed by SteelSeries, with a four-speaker system including 2 x 1 W and 2 x 2 W woofers and an integrated 1080p 30 fps webcam. 


The MSI GE76 Raider

For connectivity, the GE76 Raiders include one USB 3.2 G2x2 Type-C port, one USB 3.2 G2 Type-C with support for DisplayPort alt mode, one USB 3.2 G2 Type-A port, and two USB 3.2 G1 Type-A ports. Networking capabilities include the Intel's latest AX210 Wi-Fi 6E controller, as well as a Killer E3100 2.5 GbE controller. It weighs just under 3 kg, with a dimension of 397 x 284 x 26 mm (WxDxH), with a 4-cell Li-Polymer 99.9 Wh battery (the largest battery that can fly).

The GE76 Raider will begin shipping on February 5th, according to the pre-order infromation that has already been posted. The pre-orders are not an exhaustive list of SKUs, but of the two models showing up over at Newegg, the cheapest model will be $2300.

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  • raystriker - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - link

    Is MSI the only one that hasn't released a AMD-based laptop utilizing Ryzen 5000?
  • raystriker - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - link

  • The Hardcard - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - link

  • Gomez Addams - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - link

    I would definitely go for a GE76 with a Ryzen 5800H. That would be a really nice laptop.
  • DanNeely - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - link

    WTH does "IPS-Level" mean? My paranoia suspect's it's some sort of garbage screen whose only virtue is fast refresh but looks like a puddle of vomit after the marketing dept drank their local bar dry on the first day after lockdown ended.
  • vladx - Friday, January 15, 2021 - link

    Might mean VA/TN panel + additional layer that improves viewing angles similar to what Samsung does on their TVs.
  • Spunjji - Friday, January 15, 2021 - link

    It means it uses similar technology to IPS with the same results, but isn't actually based on the IPS patents.

    I think a lot of OEMs use the phrase because the competing equivalent technologies - PLS and AHVA - don't have the same brand clout as IPS. Another advantage would be that they can multi-source from any of those technologies.
  • Prestissimo - Monday, January 18, 2021 - link

    It means VA, pretty much same thing as IPS but sacrifices a little bit of color for better response time.
  • Batmeat - Friday, January 15, 2021 - link

    Couldn't help but notice MSI continues to use the same terrible hinge design that breaks after repeated use....even after loosening them.

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