After the release of Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.6.1 and a follow-up bugfix in the form of 17.6.2, AMD has brought a new major driver update with Crimson ReLive Edition 17.7.1. The latest driver adds support for mining cards and fixes for several games & applications.

In light of the now official AMD Radeon RX 470 based mining cards, 17.7.1 (Driver Version 17.10.3211.1031, Windows Driver Store Version brings support for Radeon RX 460 and 470 based mining cards. While no RX 460 based mining card has been announced, this driver update suggests that such cards exist or are being prepared. In addition, 17.7.1 adds official support for RX 550 and 560 graphics cards, which were originally launched in April. Unlike the RX 580 and 570, the RX 560 and 550 house different GPUs from their RX 400 series counterparts: the RX 560 is powered by a fully-enabled configuration of Polaris 11 that was only previously seen in laptops such as the MacBook Pro, whereas the RX 550 is powered by Polaris 12, a GPU not seen at all previously.

Moving on to bug fixes, AMD has resolved an issue causing crashes with Adobe Lightroom CC 2015.10. AMD has also fixed game-crashing bugs affecting RX 300 series cards running Final Fantasy XIV and Little Nightmares, and R9 380 series cards running Tekken 7.

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As a final note: 17.7.1 is not applicable for Radeon Vega Frontier Edition; the inaugural driver, revision number 17.6 (also referred to as Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 17.20) remains the most up-to-date.

The updated drivers for AMD’s desktop, mobile, and integrated GPUs are available through the Radeon Settings tab or online at the AMD driver download page. More information on this update and further issues can be found in the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.7.1 release notes.

Source: AMD

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  • Cygnusx2 - Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - link

    It has been months since I have been able to use a current Radeon driver without Lightroom crashing on my Radeon RX 460. I had to go back to a pre-ReLive driver. My Nvidia replacement arrives this week.
  • Chaitanya - Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - link

    In general though AMD and Adobe Lightroom dont seem to work too well together. I had to turn off GPU acceleration on my PC just to make sure Lightroom didnt crash and worked properly.
  • Cygnusx2 - Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - link

    I agree with you. Other issues exist like OS crashes when using more than one connection that the old drivers resolved too. I want to see AMD do well but these long running issues influenced my decision to by a different brand.
  • K_Space - Monday, July 17, 2017 - link

    Must be quite lucky to have my 295x2 running without issues with Adobe LR 2015.10. The article is vague but it must be a Polaris (?only) bug.

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