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  • vol7ron - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    321Kb/s, not KB

    Also I noticed the ads didn't load in the video on the vz phone.
  • Brian Klug - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    Fixed! This is why I usually write kilobits/s or megabits/s :)

  • AmdInside - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    When is it coming out for MetroPCS?

    Just kidding.
  • synaesthetic - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    I'm sure the shady cell shops in East Oakland will start flashing Verizon iPhones to Metro soon enough!
  • Wolfpup - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    Supposedly it's not contract locked to Verizon, so I HOPE it at least hits Sprint and US Cellular, which are the next two biggest Qualcom carriers.

    Maybe once supply gets straightened out? Both Apple and the other carriers would be nuts not to get it.
  • Shadowmaster625 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    How is the 16GB model only $199, with no asterisk next to it?
  • MobiusStrip - Monday, January 17, 2011 - link

    How is it that they don't bother fixing the antenna design, after the PR flap and all this time?

    Apple: letting defects ride.
  • name99 - Friday, January 21, 2011 - link

    Here's a wild thought: because it is NOT A DEFECT?

    Antenna design is a tradeoff. Apple appears to believe that, across all use cases, the design is, on average, a win. Given that a number of newer handsets exhibit the same behavior, a number of other companies and their engineers appear to believe the same. Likewise I've seen zero complaining about this issue from actual USERS of iPhone4 or similar handsets.

    You'd figure an anandtech audience would understand concepts like probability and design tradeoffs, but that appears to be too optimistic.
  • cmdrdredd - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    I might be alone but I refuse to buy an iPhone just because it's an iPhone. With 4G LTE Android devices announced, I would rather wait. Not only that but many Android phones outperform the iPhone already. This is nice, but not for everyone.
  • bah12 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    The choice for the average consumer is really more about the apps not the phone. DT and other sites love to rave about dual core ARM, Tegra, or SnapCPU this, and as an enthusiast that is cool and all. Benchmarks are fun and that excites me.

    However we are not really the mass market. I don't really like apple all that much but lets face it today it is about the apps NOT the phone. Once you are heavily invested in apps it makes jumping ship very hard. My mother asked what to get recently. There is the compatibility issue when 2 out of 3 of her kids have iphones and the grandkids have ipod touches. How do you not recommend one for her as well? When software is the driving factor, how do you NOT recommend the iPhone.

    There is a reason why Microsoft doesn't make a computer. The money is in the software. That is where you get your customer retention. Hardware is a commodity. IMO it is a shame Apple had to get there first, since I truly believe that Android is a better option, however Apple's high market share is VERY hard to overcome.
  • vol7ron - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    While I don't disagree with your comment, Microsoft isn't in hardware b/c it's a software company (Microsoft[ware]). It started with software - that's what it does.

    You've mentioned a problem I've indicated as the app store was introduced: financial tethering. The more the customer invests in the apps and software, the less likely he/she might jump ship. That's actually one of the reasons I might go to an Android phone - there are so many phones that support it (many different hardwares) and I'm assuming you can move your apps from one to the other. Apple makes one phone (in different versions) and the only thing you may be able to transfer between is the iPod Touch/iPad.

    The other reason is still: no flash support. Jobs may have announced they will never support it, which might have been ok, but it's his reasoning behind it that didn't make sense; it seems like he has a vendetta. I'm tired of seeing little icons where text/images should be and I don't want to use QuickTime for a media browser - I want more options.
  • Sabresiberian - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    How you NOT recommend one is refusing to buy into a closed system.

    Why I don't buy Apple products is very simple - they want to control everything you buy with their products. I'll never buy an iPhone just for that reason alone. I don't buy game consoles for the same reason, or a host of other things. In some areas of life it can't be helped, but where it can, I try not to get locked in to one company supplying all my needs for something.

    People want their OS to do everything for them - I don't. The more the OS does, the more I'm locked in to what the company that makes it provides. The same is coming down the line for video quality in computers - will Intel govern what we see in our computers in a decade? It could be that the only thing that prevents it is anti-trust laws, such as they are.

    Here's another thing - eventually, the iPhone will fall behind in technology and never catch up, the way Apple always does. It's already falling behind. Eventually, you'll be stuck in an outdated, proprietary system. Yes, the iPhone created a cell phone beyond anything that existed at the time it was released - but you are a fool if you think it would never have happened without Apple. Yes, the iPhone is very cool - but it is also buggy and has been problematic since day 1, and it is already showing it's age. What will keep it going is the same thing that keep the iPod going - good marketing, locked-in marketing, and customer inertia.

  • BSMonitor - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    If you like spending ALL your free time monkeying with your phone and its OS, have at it on your WIndows or Andoird phones..

    Personally, and most people agree, I want to turn it on and have it work..

    Thats it

    You are the minority.
  • ZoSo - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    I turn my Android phones on and they work. And I've made them perform better and more to my liking in about 40 minutes of 'monkeying' time, because I can,, LOL
  • Yuniverse - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    iPhone buggy? really?

    I've never had such problems.
  • Aikouka - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    I agree, bah12, that as you start "investing" in your phone, you begin to realize that moving away from that platform means you'll have to spend more money to get the same functionality or simply go without it because it doesn't exist on the other platform.

    I ended up buying an iPhone 3GS back when my only choices were Windows Mobile and Blackberry. I already had an AT&T Tilt, so I didn't want to stick with the dying mobile OS, and the one thing I noticed is that it seemed iOS was literally the choice for developers. Even with Android now, I still see quite a few developers only slowly adopting it or seemingly not adopting it at all.

    My brother recently purchased a Droid X and I think he was a little surprised at all the nifty applications (i.e. not fart apps) that I can get on my phone compared to his. I was actually planning on possibly switch to a dual-core Android phone when my two years is up this February, but I might wait until the summer to compare Apple's next offering to the latest crop of Android phones. I'm still certainly willing to switch, but the amount of applications I have for my phone right now is a relatively huge part of the "Pro-iOS" column.

    I did flash my old AT&T Tilt with Android (Froyo), so I can at least play with it on there :).
  • cmdrdredd - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    There is an Android marketplace too that doesn't come with the communistic Apple certification process.
  • cmdrdredd - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    slight edit to previous: Unless you're talking about iTunes. In that case I say ok...maybe.
  • triadone - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    "When software is the driving factor, how do you NOT recommend the iPhone."

    Correction, when software that is user friendly and largely bug-free, how do you NOT recommend the iPhone? Having used an Evo 4G and had friends (tech savvy ones at that) who attempted to migrate to droid from iPhone it has been a no-go. The common buzz-phrase, even with Gingerbread, has been "It's too much work." e.g., They, and I, don't want to troubleshoot the device when something flips out. It reminds me of working with various Linux builds. Great idea, but the execution can falter enough times that the typical consumer will be chased away from the product. The tech savvy friends go for the iPhone and just jailbreak it. They get all the features they want, wifi hotspots and all.

    The only thing I could recommend for iOS is to potentially allow for categories of Apps, somewhat like WM7, but without the annoying traffic sign symbols. As Anand's review noted, the idea is solid and goes beyond the use of folders. I just don't care for MS's implementation of it. MS is trying to be too hip IMO instead of having an interface that's usable for the general public (read: not just for 16-24 year-olds).
  • anactoraaron - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    Do you know how many people already think they have an iPhone 4G? HA!
  • BSMonitor - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    The 4G radio hardware is in the device, however... Just no AT&T 4G coverage means no 4G enabled.
  • Yuniverse - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    you're right. Not for everyone.

    But certainly for me, iPhone is the one! : )
  • Hargak - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    Funny, they fixed the attenuation issue only with another carrier. I wonder what went into that. (was probably a major deal) Also, I have used every IPhone series and eventially tried a droid.. Simply put, it doesn't seem that it's possible for one company to keep up with sooo many other hardware manufacturers. They will always be one upping the last guy to come out with something new. This leaves Apple in the dust. It's like Pretend Dell has their own software and hardware, and all the rest is modular and inter-operable. The Galaxy S bows it away as do soo many others already. Can they make it thinner? prolly. Sexier? um if that counts.. maybe. will all the rest have something out the day after that's faster, cheaper, and works with all other carriers.. including exclusive ATT? Definitely.

    ...Macintosh versus PC.
  • synaesthetic - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    Unfortunately, Samsung screwed the Galaxy S line with poor software support. Officially, all but the i9000 are stuck on Eclair, and Gingerbread is already released!

    But the Nexus S is out now, and Samsung will be launching more Galaxy S devices later this year with GIngerbread...

    And my Vibrant will probably never see Android 2.3, except perhaps through the good graces of xda-developers.

    This seems to be a trend for non HTC devices... instead of updating, they just release new phones, making you buy a new one to get the newer OS version. *facepalm*
  • kingkongqueror - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    Rogers just very recently released Froyo 2.2 for Samsung Galaxy S Captivate and I am looking to try to update my Captivate later tonight. Hoping for Gingerbread this summer.
  • alovell83 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    2M customers in Korea also have 2.2 on the SHW-m110s. It's really about 3M customers in the U.S. who are "screwed" and when you think about it, U.S. carriers are the ones that are testing these things, also they are the ones that asked for some hardware modifications (keyboard, no FF camera, etc), so I think people need to blame Samsung a little bit less.
  • vol7ron - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    I just remembered the other thing that I keep being reminded in the reviews: replaceable battery. Not that it's a huge deal, but when you're traveling, it might be nice to have the option.
  • Yuniverse - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    It's a nice option to be sure.

    However, I've never changed my batteries 10 years i've used cell phones even though i had spares. I just usually had ways to charge it. in the car and at home/office.

    Same thing with my iphone. I just charge it at night and it's good to go for the day.
  • MobiusStrip - Monday, January 17, 2011 - link

    "I just charge it at night and it's good to go for the day. "

    No kidding. The point is when you've used up the battery and need more time out of the device immediately.
  • shonh - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    I'm a Verizon customer, a Samsung Fascinate, and iPod Touch owner, so I think I can fairly compare the iPhone to Android. First, I know some people will disagree with me, but I don't think we would have android without the iPhone. Now that doesn't mean that one is better than the other - and I think choice is good. I do like my android-based phone. It does exactly what it is supposed to do and does it well. I'm not going to run out and buy a new Verizon iPhone. However, if I were out of contract, I wouldn't hesitate to buy the iPhone. Why?

    To me, the iOS interface just makes sense. Many android phone makers try to skin their phones to look like iOS. Why? it looks nice and does what it is supposed to well. Android does offer a lot of customization and hackability, but, for many people, that just adds to the confusion. One annoyance on Android, is that you have to hit the menu button to get options - which can be tedious at times (that and for whatever reason handset makers keep changing the order of these buttons). Plus, and this is a big one - the iPhone apps are often much better. This will most likely change over time, but it is true right now.

    This isn't about good vs. bad. To me a phone is a tool. I want a phone that makes sense and is easy to use. I think that there are some great android phones out there, which is why I bought one when I did. But, for me, the iPhone just does things a little better right now. That may change by the time I'm ready to re-up my contract. Time will tell.
  • Hargak - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    I'd rather not re-sign a contract to upgrade a phone.. The Android OS is customizable. it's different initially, yes. if you spend some time with it, you realize there's simply more, if you don't it's simply faster. One thing that I like about Iphone vs Android is itunes had an early beginning. It does make sense more so it seems, as you can restore, update etc the OS if android had a universal such program then there's no contest.
  • Focher - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    While there is obviously an attenuation "problem" on the iPhone 4 (and every other mobile device where you place your hand over the antenna - which is pretty much all of them), I live in Australia and have used the iPhone on two of the GSM networks here. I also travel internationally extensively and have had my iPhone 4 working in no less than 15 various countries. The only place it impacted me was in the USA on AT&T. I've never lost reception or had a call dropped except on AT&T. Never.
  • synaesthetic - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    I've never had a call dropped on T-Mobile US, either, and it costs a lot less than AT&T. :D
  • vol7ron - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    It happens. AT has been pushing out lots of news lately. ty, CES :)
  • vol7ron - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    Did you notice how the Verizon page seemed like it loaded, but it was a faulty load? The ads and the page didn't load completely, only the status bar insinuated that the page was finished loading.

    Also, as the article said, it won't be til the phone is in the lab where a true comparison can be made b/t the different phones/networks. You can tell the AT&T version (on the left) had different settings - it showed the battery % and the battery was worn down (64% left), which may effect the performance.

    I'm curious if the AT&T/VZN phones were restarted (and mem/cache cleared) before testing - as we all know it's good to turn off the device completely :)
  • Broken - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    Wow, data sucks in New York then. Here in armpit Idaho, (Lewiston) I would reliably get 3.5 down 1 up at my house with an ipone 3. Also had about the same with my Milsetone and slightly lower with my Hero. Tried out an EVO 4G and was lucky to get 1 down and 500 up. Verizon isn't any better.
  • synaesthetic - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    Big city data is always slower; there are more people with more phones chewing up more of the spectrum.

    In Berkeley, my friend's AT&T HTC Aria gets 1.5-2m down and possibly 500k-ish up (at best), while my Vibrant gets 3-4m down and 1.5-2m up rather reliably (though I usually don't see over 3.8m down often).
  • tech4tac - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    [#] killall att
    [#] mount -o rw,remount /steve /you
    [#] mv /att-payments /vzw-payments
    [#] mv money /vzw-payments
    [#] mv more-money /vzw-payments
    [#] ./death-grip
    SIGNAL 100%... 80%... 60%... 40%... 20%... 0%...
    internal error: signal SIGSEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
    [#] rm ETF
    permission denied
    you're screwed :-(
  • 5150Joker - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    I've used my iphone to pull up data while in a call many times. Sometimes it's to look at a restaurants menu and other times to give info to the other party on the phone. There's so many uses for it. This alone would deter me from ever going to Verizon.
  • Altheran - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - link

    2.2Mbps/365 kbps ???? LoL ! Here at Montreal Qc. Videotron has a Network where i never get less than 8Mbps Down and 1.5 Mbps Up !!! XD And they dont pretend to have 4G ....
  • anactoraaron - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    to spend $$ for the ETF and then buy the EXACT SAME PHONE you have with at&t and then be cornered with another 2 year service contract with overpriced data plan that actually will be half the speed on average than AT&T. Wonder when Verizon's data and reception issues overtake at&t's.

    The so called "analysts" say Apple will sell like 11 million iPhones on verizon. Really? I don't think that's even in the ballpark. 2 million maybe... maybe. Verizon customers have had android devices and AT&T has had the iPhone. If someone really wanted the iPhone, they would already have it (and judging by the lines for the iPhone 4 release this would be correct). Everyone who really wanted Verizon has given android devices a shot and most people love them (enough to not want an iPhone).

    I predict Verizon iPhone 4 being an epic fail.
  • anactoraaron - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    ...I realize all data plans are priced the same, but that doesn't mean that they aren't overpriced to begin with.
  • michael2k - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    There's this thing called "saturation"?

    If you look at the last 6 quarters you will see AT&T activated like 21m iPhones out of 30m smartphones. Estimates are that 16m of those iPhones are active (some are replacements and hand me downs).

    If you look at the last 6 quarters on Verizon, you see only about 10m Android phones sold, with the limit being Android only being available for 5 quarters.

    So the crux is that Verizon has 93m subscribers and AT&T has 92m subscribers. Only "half" as many Android phones have sold as iPhones, meaning a large number of potential smartphone buyers on Verizon (about 11m) haven't bought in yet.

    Hmm, 11m, you say? So yeah, that's a good estimate of how many iPhones might be sold on Verizon.
  • strikeback03 - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    I suppose that puts an upper limit on the number, but I doubt it will hit that anytime soon. Seems there are 3 groups of consumers involved:

    1) Current Verizon smartphone customers. Obviously don't mind paying for data. Includes some people who wanted an iPhone but couldn't deal with AT&T. Also includes some on BB/WM who didn't want to pay to upgrade to Android early, but will likely choose between Android and iPhone. A substantial portion of iphone buyers will probably come from this group.

    2) Current Verizon non-smartphone customers, a lot of your 11m number. Some may go for an iPhone, but the cost of the data plans will keep a lot in featurephones, while others are probably more likely to go for the free Android phones. Will probably see some iPhone customers come from this group, but I think a lot are still in featurephones because they don't need/want the cost of smartphones.

    3) non-Verizon customers. Some portion of AT&T iPhone customers will likely jump ship when their contract is up, and some people who couldn't stand AT&T will probably jump as well.

    IMO, there will be a lot of iphones sold on Verizon, though not necessarily iphone 4s. For example I doubt many AT&T users would buy a verizon iphone 4 if they already had an AT&T one, but a lot might make the switch to the iphone 5.
  • gozoogle - Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - link

    I'm in group 2, and I know a lot of other people. Most of us really want the iPhone and not Android, but aren't willing to switch to AT&T. I think group 2 will make up the majority of people buying next month.
  • NCM - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    anactoraaron writes: "I predict Verizon iPhone 4 being an epic fail."

    Mind if we all make note of that for some mild future amusement at your expense?

    There's a colossal pent-up demand for a VZ iPhone, from the people who live in AT&T no-go zones, those who already have VZ service ties such as family plans and in-network free calling, others who just don't like AT&T for various reasons, and so on. VZ has 93 million subscribers who mostly chose to be there. There's no reason to suppose that several million of them won't be interested in the iPhone, just as they have been on other carriers in many other countries.

    I predict VZ will sell boatloads of them. And feel free to make a note of that.

    As immature and disappointing as the initial version is in many respects, I find WP7 to be much more interesting than Android. MS has actually come up with compelling interface paradigms that offer something genuinely different and interesting. Who would ever have imagined that? I'm not sure their boat hasn't already sailed, but it's always risky to count MS out of the game.
  • TareX - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    Please note that VZN users will choose between a LTE 4.3" Bionic, with Terga 2.... or a 800 Mhz iPhone 4.... on 3G.

    It'll be a tough choice.
  • NCM - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    TareX writes: "Please note that VZN users will choose between a LTE 4.3" Bionic, with Terga 2.... or a 800 Mhz iPhone 4.... on 3G."

    The recently announced Droid Bionic won't be available until Q2 2011 sometime, and other than some brief CES hands-on impressions nobody knows how it performs overall. (I'd certainly imagine it to be fast though.) In particular it'll be interesting to see whether the dismal battery life of the (few) other 4G phones has been improved or not.

    Furthermore most cell phone users won't have 4G data networks available to them anytime soon. VZ has one site in my state of Indiana and no plans for more in 2011. <Insert your own joke here about Indiana not being the centre of the known tech universe.>

    The thing to remember is that Tegra 2 or 800 MHz means something to those of us who read AT, but nothing whatsoever to the average smartphone buyer. Despite occasional missteps, Apple has proven itself to be the master of the quality user experience. Don't underestimate the appeal.
  • anactoraaron - Thursday, January 13, 2011 - link

    you may be right on there. I would like to think with the SoC shrink and moore's law there will be basically a trade off on battery life using 4G. But even so, with the limited availability of 4G one can imagine it's not too hard to disable the 4G radio. Battery life on the Tegra 2 is supposed to be on better than current gen SoC's.

    But that magical Apple iPhone appeal is there. And it's true that the average person doesn't know/care about the processor, etc inside the phone.

    Funny how I was born in Indiana. We got everything last LOL- especially fashion!
  • gozoogle - Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - link

    Another example of why product design groups led by engineers fail.

    For your average consumer (i.e. not male geeks):

    LTE without good battery life, FAIL

    bulky 4.3" screen with low dpi, FAIL

    If you don't understand what your mainstream customers value in the product and design according to bigger and better specs, FAIL
  • anactoraaron - Thursday, January 13, 2011 - link

    I always enjoy mild amusement at my expense, just ask my wife :). Seriously they may sell close to that number, it just seemed inflated to me. I don't have anything concrete on that but give me the number of iPhone 4's actually still being used by the end of this year- no way that all 11 million will still be using that phone by year's end Maybe half that.
    And "there's a colossal pent-up demand for a VZ iPhone" doesn't sound like a cold hard fact either. Now iPhone 5's are another story entirely. I just find it hard to believe with droid devices beginning to have dual core SoC's by summertime-ish that there will be those people in the "colossal pent up demand" group still liking their iPhone purchase.
  • czesiu - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    What is the signal drop after connecting the antennas (covering the gap with one finger)?
  • davidos - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link
  • beepboy - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    Looks like him! Sneaky.
  • triadone - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    "Verizon likely has a local femtocell here to guarantee the best performance possible."

    Yep. Any comparison of devices at an event held by a competitor is likely to favor the brand hosting the event. Of course they're going to have a local cell to boost their performance. Any Verizon fanatics need to keep this in mind as they rave about the results of your test as shown in the video. FWIW, I'm not an AT&T loyalist, I've just had the luxury of being on both networks for extended amounts of time and don't understand what all the furor is about regarding one network over the other. Then again, I don't live in NYC or San Diego. ;-)
  • Yuniverse - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    hmm... i guess I'm getting a real good speed here

    I just ran app on my iphone 4 on AT&T 3G network and here are my results:

    Renton server: 13 miles away
    Download: 3.64 Mbps
    Upload: 1.34 Mbps

    2nd run:
    DL: 5.82 Mbps
    UL: 1.56 Mbps

    Seattle server: 19 miles away
    Download: 4.67 Mbps
    Upload: 1.25 Mbps

    Palo Alto server: 687 miles away
    Download: 1.94 Mbps
    Upload: 1.19 Mbps
  • techyguy - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - link

    Article Quote.

    "AT&T iPhone 4 (left) vs. Verizon iPhone 4 (right) - Note the new antenna segment on the top"

    The information appears to be reversed. Isn't Verizon on the left, while AT&T is on the right.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, January 13, 2011 - link

    No, the one on the left (with the black bar to the left of the headset jack) is AT&T, the one on the right (black bar on the side above the mute, as seen in the other picture) is Verizon.
  • techyguy - Friday, January 14, 2011 - link

    Your right. I guess I took the quote too literally.
  • araczynski - Thursday, January 13, 2011 - link

    when asked what i wanted as an upgrade to my droid(1) at work just the other day (verizon iphone or android), i picked the droidX, its sitting in my office mailbox this morning.

    i love my ipad and to a very much lesser extent my ipod, but have no interest in gaming on my phone, or any tiny screen anymore.

    the functionality that a google centric engine gives me and my work, far outweighs anything apple can provide.
  • Necrosaro420 - Thursday, January 13, 2011 - link

    Now if TMobile would hurry and get the iphone so I can stop using my unlocked one!
  • imagineadam - Thursday, January 13, 2011 - link

    So the verizon deathgrip is still very really real!? How come if you google "verizon iPhone deathgrip", every other website says it is gone? They must not know how to do a simple field
    test as you guys have demonstrated! Thanks for the write up! I figured apple wouldn't change it's antenna design too much!
  • - Monday, February 7, 2011 - link

    What is the number combination for field test mode on a Verizon Iphone 4 to show the DBM like the ones illustrated in the pictures?

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