Interestingly enough, this is the first Extreme Edition CPU I’ve had the opportunity to review since I started at AnandTech. The first Intel Extreme I’ve actually ever spent any time with, even. So I was definitely intrigued. This is more than overkill for my use cases, but damn if I wasn’t psyched to benchmark it. My reaction was actually akin to a clip from Top Gear that I’m rather fond of:

So, anyways, the i7-4930MX. It’s a quad-core, eight thread CPU clocked at 3GHz and a max turbo that’s nearly at the magical 4GHz mark. The 57W TDP of the CPU alone is more than the entire thermal envelope of the last notebook I reviewed....times two and a half. As such, this is the fastest notebook we’ve got on our charts, though we'll be updating these shortly when we add a second i7-4930XM equipped MSI GT70 to the list.

Cinebench R11.5 - Multi-Threaded Benchmark


Cinebench R11.5 - Single-Threaded Benchmark

x264 HD 5.x

x264 HD 5.x

The primary points of comparison for our Eurocom X5 test unit are the MSI GT70 Dragon and the Mythlogic (Clevo P157SM) – as outlined in the introduction, the two have a fair amount of similarity in specification and target market. The two key performance differences come in the CPU – the MSI had the i7-4700MQ (2.4GHz base, 3.4GHz turbo) and the P157SM has an i7-4900MQ (2.8GHz base, 3.8GHz Turbo) – and storage, with the MSI’s multi-mSATA SSD RAID configuration and Mythlogic's 512GB mSATA.

It’s interesting to look at the MSI, which is by all accounts an extremely powerful computer, and see how much faster the Eurocom’s Extreme Edition processor is in some of the CPU intensive tasks. It’s awesome. There has never been a faster mobile processor, and that makes this (and every other) Extreme Edition CPU special. On the other hand, the i7-4900MQ is basically half the price and in several benchmarks it delivers higher performance, suggesting there are other factors at play.

Unless your name is Smaug and you live in a castle buried in gold, I don’t think the Extreme Edition is necessarily the most prudent financial decision. But bragging rights cost money, and so does the cutting edge in performance. Now, to top this, I want a mobile hex. That’d really be something.

PCMark 7 (2013)

Futuremark 3DMark (2013)

Futuremark 3DMark (2013)

Futuremark 3DMark (2013)

Futuremark 3DMark 11

3DMark basically tells a similar story, again with the fastest systems swapping places. Drivers are likely playing more of a role here as well, and our test drivers on the Eurocom are slightly older than what we used with the Mythlogic. Let's see how things go in actual games.

In and Around the Eurocom X5 Gaming Performance
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  • Braincruser - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    Are there thermals? Also FIRST!
  • DigitalFreak - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    Is your life so pathetic that you need a "first" post?
  • Hubb1e - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    A lot of words about industrial design where it clearly doesn't matter to the end users. The appeal of these is choosing components. Those who do care are welcome to pay more for it. I prefer plain to gaudy any day anyway.
  • ShieTar - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    I second that. More specifically, "overwhelming blackness" actually sounds good to me. When I sit in a darkened room staring at my Notebook-Screen, chances are I do not want to see anything except the screen itself. Either I am watching a movie on it, or I am playing some deeply immersing game, but in any way having a colored dragon in my field of view won't usually help the experience.
  • madmilk - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    This isn't plain by any stretch of the imagination. Why can't Clevo just use black matte plastic consistently all around, without weird bevels, trims and LED audio meters?
  • nostriluu - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    This is only because the writer's comprehension of industrial design is childish.
  • asasione - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    Come someone from Anandtech please let me know if they are planning on reviewing the P370M/SM or P375M/SM with dual Nvidia 780M anytime in the near future
  • lololol - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    LOL? 32 GB RAM using Microsoft 7 Home Premium... FAIL!
  • ddriver - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    Upgrade to unlock kinda deal (on a better day I'd call it scam). Cheaper windows drops the price a bit but makes some of the memory you paid for inaccessible, pay extra to ms for upgrade to get it all working without hurting the margins of the laptop manufacturer.
  • rpgfool1 - Monday, September 2, 2013 - link

    Seems like the notebook I want. Looking at several Clevo resellers for the P177SM and some are getting $50 off $1350+. Lowest prices are from Pro-Star, LPC-Digital, and PowerNotebooks. Mythologic sells it the most expensive, followed by Eurocom. I know the Alienware 17 and Razer Blade Pro cost more, but the Clevo P177SM seem to have more options available.

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